Have you registered your agency or marketing services company with us?

We'd be happy to add you to our proprietary database of agencies and marketing suppliers. There is no fee to either register or participate in any searches we manage.

Just complete the appropriate online form below, but make sure you have all your information pulled together first. You will not be able to access and edit your profile after you submit your information. We recommend completing a separate listing for each full service office location to improve our ability to match you with a client's selection criteria. Make sure to designate which office is your headquarters (e.g., add "HQ" at end of agency's name). Satellite offices may be included with your primary office registration.

You may email any minor updates to us as they occur, such as change in new business contact, and we will append your profile. Should you have significant updates, you need to create an entirely new profile and we will delete your original profile.

Your information is only accessible by our team, and by registering with us you automatically give us permission to share it with contracted clients of Bajkowski + Partners LLC. We have executed mutual confidentiality agreements with our clients, so your information will be safeguarded.

Don't forget to add us to your agency news distribution list – digital format is preferred.

If you still have questions or suggestions regarding the registration form or requested content, please drop us an email. We will respond.

Thank you and we look forwarding to learning more about your services.